Zeneth in World Economic Forum article by Kristof Terryn, Zurich Group Chief Operating Officer

Zeneth mentioned on World Economic Forum

Group Chief Operating Officer at Zurich Insurance Group Krystof Terryn recently published a piece on World Economic Forum called We are on the edge of a new ‘cyber’ space age. This is how we make it a success. In the piece, Terryn discusses that we are “at the edge of a new ‘cyber’ space age”. Analyzing the task at hand, he introduces ways that the industry and companies can be successful in this continuously evolving and challenging environment.

Public and private sectors must therefore work to increase organizational preparedness. Risk transfer is only one part of the tapestry for cyber insurers, and Zurich Insurance has invested in a new, state-of-the-art Cyber Fusion Center to establish collaboration between highly-skilled cyber threat intelligence, response, forensics, and vulnerability management teams. We are also working with several security service providers, such as Zeneth Technology Partners, to help customers identify cybersecurity vulnerabilities in their systems before an attack takes place.

You can read more about our exciting strategic relationship via the link below:

Zeneth announces ZenOpz strategic relationship with Zurich American Insurance Company



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